FIFA 2010 ( Graphic = BAD ) PES 2010 ( Graphic = GOOD ) FIFA 2010 ( Players = BAD ) PES 2010 ( pl

User Rating: 1 | FIFA 10 PC
its very waste of time ......
i`ve installed n playing with max setting but still i think fifa 2010 no improvement at all!!

PC Hardware :-
I7 Extreme Edition
Windows Vista 64bit
Motherboard Gigabyte ( i forgot which model hehehe xD )

the graphic,movement its bad and its very really bad!!!!!! players like a cartoon!
pes 2010 its better then fifa 2010

so when fifa will be the same level as PES!!!! no one forget about fifa and let`s kick off with PES 2010

only 1 thing thats i like fifa uh and its about license xD all club/country got license so thats very good.......
but still cannot bet PES becouse fans of PES is more then FIFA

last time im playing fifa is a fifa 2008 after that i come back to PES/winning eleven until now

well....its up to u to play or not to play xD , for me fifa 2010 just waste of my time at all