While it dosen't take a huge leap forward from 09, FIFA 10 still delivers a fantastic football simulation
+New 360 dribbling system works very well
+Plently of offline and online modes
+Manager mode is a lot more indepth
+Great multiplayer
+The same old classic FIFA that we know and love
-Menus are kinda confusing
-Goalkeepers tend to come out to much
If your looking for a football simulation to play as your supported teams then FIFA 10 is the one to get. While it dosen't take a huge leap forward, FIFA 10 manages not to disapoint with the most realisitc football game in the series.
The biggest gameplay addition to this years formula is the 360 dribbling system. In the other games players had a tendency to "zig-zag" about as you could only move in 8 different directions, however EA managed to fix this problem, it makes player movment more smoother and a lot more easier to control. Not only does it make the players feel more fluid it also makes them look more natural. While the 360 dribbling system already makes the game significently better to 09, its the small problems that makes the big difference.
In FIFA 09, while the gameplay itself was very realistic there were a lot of small frustrations and hitches in the game, despite some still being present EA has fixed most of these problems. Strikers no longer has an unfair advantage over the defenders, this time there is a huge improvment in the player physics, players now feel as though they have weight and strength. Goalkeepers, while good for the most part they tend to have to much of an urgency for the ball resulting in them coming out in stupid times and rather cheaply considing a goal. AI has been improved, this time players position themselves more sensibley and make moe intellegent runs on attacks, also defenders urgency to stop shots on goal and clearing is a great addition, while playing you will see some dramatic defending seeing defenders leap infront of shots and dramatic clearenses.
There are plenty of new modes and features in FIFA 10 online and offline including a brand new practise arena, were you can customize and practise set peices or just have a kick about with as much players as you want. But the big new eddition is Virtual Pro bascially this is Be a Pro, you create your pro and play Be a Pro matches but you can unlock new additions, like kit accesories for your player and other stuff. Manager mode has been completley resturctured and is more realistic, its are much more realistic expericence and this time you actually feel like a football manager, you will have a great time managing your favorate team throughtout 15 season.
Grpahically, FIFA 10 looks very good, stadiums look very detailed as well as the players who look almost identical to their real life counter parts. Their are new animations in the game that all blend together very nicely and looks very realistic. The sound is also great, comentary is done by real life comentators that sound like their real life counter parts and the soundtrack, as usual is top class.
FIFA 10 is an excilent football simlation, it dosen't take a huge leap forward, but fixes most of the problems in 09 and adds the new 360 dribbling system. For anybody who likes laying football games then FIFA 10 is the one to get.