FIFA 09, refined in all possible ways! makes the this the best Football game ever made!
Now we can create our own set piece which is an awesome addition to the game it was frustrating in previous games that the player doesnt run the way we want them to,by using create a set piece we can set up runs just how we want or by seeing in the real world.The manager mode is improved is quite good to see as now we cant create ultimate teams as we used to create a world eleven in just 1 or 2 seasons transfers are just right not too difficult not to easy.Similarly player growth is realistic as we can't improve or our player won't be improved like 96 or 97.
Many people's are complaining about the difficulty,as they are finding difficult to create a shot on goal,well you have to play the game and practice it and you will learn how to play if you are not getting it try semi-pro.The difficulty seems just right because its seems too unrealistic to defeat a team in every game 7,8-0 so if you are winning 3-0 its just about right..
There are some minor glimse in the game for example I cant renew my players contract and if the assistant is turned off sometimes the team still rotate (change),But the game is too good to criticise and these small glimse can be ignored..