Probably the worst FIFA to date. EA has completely messed up now for soccer fans, especially PC gamers.

User Rating: 1 | FIFA 10 PC
I'va had every FIFA game for one platform or another (mostly PC) since 1994. Eve though I was never fully satisfied with it, it was fun. For the last 4 years or so, the only good one was 09. It showed improvements, and gave me hope, thinking that EA may care for soccer fans after all. I was proven the exact opposite with this one. It is the worst FIFA to date, given the technological possibilities of each one in its own time. I was already mad at EA for cutting of the MADDEN series for PC, now I've officially given up on these fools. Players are slow, graphics are not really better, sometimes even worse, passes are slow and inaccurate, crosses are inaccurate, even penalty kicks dont go where you want them to. Every aspect of the game suffered a little bit. It is clear to me that none of the game developers ever played soocer in their lives. Considering it's by far the most popular sport on Earth, it's absurd. As a primarily soccer fan, and also a gamer, I urge you: boycott EA, at least the FIFA series, because this is getting ridiculous.