Who´s BAD?

User Rating: 1 | FIFA 10 PC
before we start, please forgive my english.

1 - it is the same engine; I still can´t believe this. IT IS THE SAME OLD, BORING, EASY, BROKEN ENGINE. no matter how much stuff you hang in there, it won´t make it work anymore, EA!! shame on you!

2- THERE IS NO 360º movement. EA consciously advertised differently. There is maybe 16 or more degrees of movement, double of 2009. Still, not as refined as PES series.

3- Did I mentioned that is the same engine?

4- It was easy to do a free-kick goal in 2001 as it is now.

5 - goalkeeper still (insert Red Forman voice here) "dumb ass"!!.

Don´t get me wrong. it is a descent, passable game. It is kinda fun, for like 2 matches. But, for most pc gamers, this is the 20th fifa game they play on pc. I´m playing since 1993. AND I´m playing this engine this 2001, B-O-R-I-N-G.

FIFA, please SACK EA. that would be a dream come true.