Really only one area that could be greatly improved, otherwise this game is good or great in all areas.
* Back in the FIFA 04 or 05 era there were all kinds of team specific chants and songs by the fans. What happened to that? Please bring back.
* Also, there were flares and smoke bombs in the stands. Please bring those back. Right now it feels like family day at a Sunday afternoon baseball game, hardly the intense atomosphere of an international soccer match. How about at least having toilet paper rolls being thrown or maybe liquid refreshments getting tossed from the upper decks whenever somthing good or bad happens or have the odd beach ball tossed out here and there. I remember Donovan getting pelted with drink cups while taking a corner down at Azteca. I'd like to see some of that. We don't need to go as far as having batteries being thrown or urine, but they could do a lot better and the developers could have a lot of fun with this.
* Why does the whole stadium seem to cheer no matter who scores? When the away team scores the stadium should go quiet except for the away section behind the goal. How about having the away section chanting and singing after away team goals.
* Why the generic highlights after goals and after the half and end of game that play back with a low FPS so that it looks clunky and stutters? Could do a lot better here.
Seems the above are all things that could easily be implemented to make the atmosphere not so generic. Maybe they can do this for the inevitable World Cup South Africa edition to come out next Spring.
Also, for some reason Landon Donovan sucks in this game. I think it is becuase he is small. I think there is too much advantage placed on big guys physically knocking guys off the ball as Donovan looses the ball the instant any defender gets on him. This actually is a broader quibble with the game, as it is way too easy to steal the ball as a defender. Bascially, all you have to do is run your defender over to the attacker and hit the "A" button and 90% of the time you will steal the ball. This ability needs to be toned down.
Otherwise, I love the game.
My favorite part is that I can now play Dempsey up top where he belongs with Jozy, especially with Davies out, and switch the U.S. to a 3-5-2.