Alright, but lots wrong with it.
From it's appalling through-ball system to it's nauseating soundtrack, FIFA 10 doesn't quite stand out as one of the best. This is the first FIFA game I've played since FIFA 01, so it's been quite some time. To break this review down so it's a bit more enjoyable to read, I'll list the positives and negatives below.
+Excellent fluid gameplay - one touch passing is realistic and quick
+Plenty of game options to keep you coming back
+Online and social play is brilliant fun
-Terrible soundtrack
-Enormous difficulty leap from Amateur to Semi-Pro, then tiny steps up after that
-Defence apply far too much pressure on attackers - quite unrealistic
-Through balls are truly terrible - players don't make runs often
-Trick system is often unresponsive
-The game seems to ignore your button presses at times so it can win!
-I'm yet NOT to concede a goal from a free kick outside the box
-Poor play likenesses
-Seemingly restrictive customisability
-Picking 'Sim match' in Manager mode generates a totally random score - it ignores how good each side is. You don't often see Chelsea lose 4-0 to Wolves at home.
-Passes sometimes go to the totally wrong player.
Many of you might think my opinions are a bit of a QQ fest, but they're justified, and I'm sure many people will agree with my thoughts here. Other than those problems, FIFA 10 is admittedly a lot of fun to play, but if you're new to the FIFA series, be prepared to get frustrated at times.
FIFA 10 is easy once you get the hang of it, but there's a few errors that really need to be fixed in the next game.