Well i tell you the truth i played this game one time and it SUCKED!!!! i cant believe EA made this football game just look at the PS3 and XBOX360 it looks awesome but PC sucks and WHY? becouse FIFA 10 using same engine as FIFA 07 or 08 its nothing changed just graphics but who gives a damn about graphics when gameplay sucks? nobody. Not only EA FAIL with PC basketball games and of course they loose war to 2k series of sports excetp of fifa on xbox 360 and ps3. Peoples dont waist your money for this peace of crap game. Better buy Xbox or ps3 and play these games becouse PC gamers have dissapoint AGAIN! And EA You suck you are huge corporation who suck at gaming and tries buy take two company. Better you do something better than games. EA you cant make good Games! You can oly fail to do better games why you cant make games like you made in 90s? becouse other companys are better than you? or becouse you like old crap? EA F*CK you!
A brief comparison with FIFA07 (08,09 not worth mentioning): 1.the passing system is damaged. The automatic 1-2 pass or cross is destroying the game. 2.the shooting is comedy-funny. In football force is not equal alti... Read Full Review
I played the demo on the PS3 and it was damn good, the 360 degrees movement is amazing and is totally cool. If i was to rate this game for PS3/X360 i would gave 9/10 PS3: Totally amazing graphics and audio and presen... Read Full Review