Gameplay is FUBAR.
User Rating: 1 | FIFA 10 PC
I'm a PES fan, but since PES 2010 is not quite what I expected, I've decided to try FIFA 10 out. The last game I played in the Fifa series was Fifa 98, so I don't have any preconceptions from FIFA 2008 or 2009. Anyway, I started the game and was really glad when I saw the variety of teams you can choose to play with, plus the fact that the rosters are really updated (unlike PES). Since I'm brazilian, it was also very nice to see Brazilian teams (unlike PES). So I proceeded to my first match. As soon as the loading screen faded out, the only thing I could think was "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE GRASS?". It looked just like Actua Soccer, unbelievably bright green grass that made the whole pitch look like a snooker table. That was total crap. Eventually I managed to adjust the graphic options and it got back to an acceptable textured pitch. As the game started, the first thing I noticed is the awkward camera sliding. I don't know if it's because I was used to PES, but that constant sliding back and forth of the camera wasn't very helpful. Also, I think it's really annoying that the camera is not centered on the player (it shows about 1/3 to the back of the player and 2/3 to the direction where he's facing to). This is really bad when you want to start over by passing back to your midfielders, or when having the ball tackled from you on your own field. But what really matters here is the gameplay. Your players move too slow, giving a sense that they're carrying rocks in their shoes. Even Messi can be outrun by some defenders - but only if you're the one controlling him, because when he's on the computer controlled side, he will be unreachable. Controlling the players when not in possession is also kind of awkward at times, both because of the automatic changes (that can be removed) and the bad AI - for example when the player that is not being controlled has the opportunity to intercept a pass and just watches the ball as it goes near him. By the way, AI is above average, and the most annoying part of this is that your team will also be affected - it's really frustrating to launch yourself on a counterattack and see that you're all alone, while your teammates are calmly walking towards a completely random direction. Although it's possible to change the team's mentality towards a more offensive or defensive behaviour, players just keep fooling around instead of making themselves available for passing. However, the thing that really pissed me off was the way players sometimes 'trot' towards a through ball instead of running and reaching for it as soon as possible, what ends up letting the defender come too close for them to proceed. And then there are the goalkeepers. Well, it was actually a high point, considering how bad goalkeepers are in PES games. But it's still not enough. Sometimes you will suffer goals that will make you want to bomb EA headquarters.
In general, this is not a good game. It can be fun to play for a few minutes, but you'll eventually get frustrated, if you know anything about real football. I really wanted it to be a nice game, since PES 2010 is not going to be great either, judging be the demo, but FIFA was a total letdown. I guess we'll have to wait for 2011 to play a good football game, after all.
I'll try to point out the high and low points like gamespot does, so it's easier to understand what this game is all about.
What's good about it:
- Updated rosters
- Good graphics
- Better goalkeepers
- Follows most of the official FIFA rules for football (which PES sometimes doesn't; an example is when the ball hits the player's hand, which can be interpreted as a foul in some situations)
What's bad about it:
- Slow players
- Sluggish gameplay (and engine)
- Bad AI (offensive and defensive)
- Goalkeepers still mess up really bad
- Some teams are not licensed (well, it's FIFA, isn't it? if it carries the name, it should better have all FIFA teams)
- Random freekicks assigned by the referee
- Instantly kicking and passing is not realistic
- Can't play using only a gamepad - mouse and keyboard are necessary for pausing and selecting some menu options
- Shouldn't commentators be neutral?