Is this it?

User Rating: 3 | FIFA 10 PC
The Good:
[+] Good to see EA continues this sport series for the PC
[+] Transfer updated
[+] "Manager Mode" improving

The Bad:
[-] Pretty much the same graphic
[-] Still the same game-play
[-] "Be A Pro" fails badly
- your team rely solely on you
- your team defense is very poor
- your team not much of a help in attacking situation
- you will fine 99.99% that you will have to be the match winner
for your team
- no team transfer
- how can you be a pro when you already chosen a pro to
play, shouldn't this mode let you create your own player
and work your way to the top?
- tasks are stupid
[-] "Create Mode" fails badly also
- this mode hasn't improve ,no additional crest combination etc.
- very limited shirt color combination choices (especially for the
goal keeper)
[-] Nothing change much from the previous version
[-] Referee looks horrible, using the same motion for each substitutions
[-] Lineman looks horrible
[-] The crowd looks horrible as well
[-] The net animation sucks
[-] Problems not being able to slide-tackle
[-] Some players are under/over powered
(eg. i feel like Arshavin should be higher than 85)
[-] Some players don't have the right looks
(eg. Arshavin has black hair?)

< I know that there is going to be updates to balance the players overall stats and to make some look more like the real players, but overlooking these factors for some well known players is unforgivable...

Overall, a game not even worth pirating