Once again, FIFA continues to evolve and de-evolve

User Rating: 7.5 | FIFA 10 PS3
FIFA 10 is a difficult game to describe. Looking at it graphically, the game is amazing. The players look life like. The graphics during gameplay are equally impressive. During gameplay, its like watching the game on tv except that you are controlling the players. You can see defenders running along with arms stretched out trying to hold onto players. The refs are also involved. The head ref gets a little too involved though. (I seem to have a tendency to hit him with the ball during the game.)

The sound during the game is equally impressive. During one game, I could actually hear a fan from the stands yell out to hit it as Drogba was charging towards the keeper one on one. (I scored of course). Those little things keep me coming back. The game is so immersive presentation wise.

Computer AI, on the other hand is wonky. One moment, your team is playing like a team should and then all of the sudden, players will start playing like a 6 year old on the field. In one instance, the computer crossed the ball and JT chested the ball then out of nowhere Ricardo Carvalho comes flying in and for some reason kicks the ball scoring an own goal. In another instance, I had Lampard kick a through ball to Anelka. It was a good pass but for some reason Anelka just stopped running. Watching these things as well as the computer committing fouls gets frustrating.

When it comes to FIFA, I have developed a love hate relationship to the game. I love playing FIFA and yet these issues with the AI drive me away. But I always come back. I just wish the AI would stop making strange plays.