Its in the game but not quite there.

User Rating: 7.5 | FIFA 10 PC
Fifa 10 has been awaited long but it failed to deliver the 100 percent although game-play has improves but the engine has been the same.No new features in the manager mode but there has been inclusion of The season but it was there before in the Tournament before just a separate category has been created to add a feature.
However the inclusion of country in single player control season is interesting.But cant rate it more than 8 because we expected more of features.
The graphics has improved but still no celebration after we win a tournament is missing like holding the cup and all those things.Ea should consider that otherwise there will be a fall in fan base over the years to come.
However the game has been adjusted so that it can be played over low configured machines.
This game is great for those who are beginners but for those who are pro should take it just as another fifa.
Thats all Folks.