A Must Buy For Footy Fans!

User Rating: 9 | FIFA 10 X360
Every time EA bring out a FIFA game, its 10x better then the last FIFA game, FIFA07, when that came out we was blown away, the first real football game to come out on the 360, then FIFA08, made FIFA07 look like dirt with the amazing graphics, ball control and improved AI, then FIFA09, made FIFA08 look like a ps2 game, FIFA09 had everything, best graphics, great AI, manager mode was fun, online play was unbeatable, with online clubs etc...

Now FIFA10 comes out, and smashs FIFA09, everything about it has been improved, AI, manager mode and best of all the movement of the players, it really feels real, the players can move about more freely, shooting requires more then just pressing the B button in the direction of the goal..

I really like this game, its not "perfect" but its better then its pre deccesors, i just dont know what they are going to add to make FIFA11 better then this...