I skipped FIFA 09 last year because it was a re-packaging of 08, but I'm sure glad I bought FIFA 10 !
Gameplay is solid, and it's even harder to shoot this time out. The distance and attributes of the striker really have to be taken into consideration when striking the ball. Your touch has to be spot on when kicking that ball. Oh and playing on World Class difficulty level is tougher for me this year. The A.I. is very intelligent, with fewer goofs, stronger jostling, and super smart defenders, especially the goalie A.I.
Graphics are ok, not as good as Madden, or in other sport games such as MLB the SHOW, but satisfying since the animations make up for the average player models. However , some of the players faces are just exact replicas. You might notice some poor animations here and there, but there's just so many good ones! First touch animations rock in this game, I can't imagine how the game will be improved next year. Perhaps the A.I should be tweaked since some players slow down and stop suddenly, but I guess the A.I leaves it up to the user to make quick manual switches between players.
I enjoy playing Defense this year, since its the 360 degree player movement that allows for proper angles taken on a tackle. And on the Offensive side, dribbling has never looked better or felt better, using first touch when taking a pass is necessary or you will lose possession when playing on the higher difficulties. And, last but not least, set pieces are not a waste of time this year! It's possible to bend one in from about 30 yards or so.
All in all, a 9/10, still nothing groundbreaking, but setting the standards again. If your into getting involved in Virtual Pro mode, Manager mode, or strictly on online player, it's worth cashing in FIFA 09 for this new installment.