well im a very passionate footballer, i have played every football game since winning eleven 2002, i was very surprised about the new upgrades in fifa 10 on the big consoles and i was hoping to find the same on my beloved psp, so, i bought this game in the psn store, played it, and had fun, i started in world class and in the second match i won 4 - 0 with RC deportivo to CHELSEA! WTF? it must be the difficulty, legendary, 3 - 0 to BARCELONA OMG! now, let me give u the specs.
Graphics: good, fluid animations but not amazing textures, u wont recognize ANY player in a close up! very nice "TV broadcast" sensation in the large variety of cameras.
Sound: great, great fans noise that get exited when u get close the goal, they sing the athems of the teams too, ASWOME soundtrack goes perfect with football, great job on the commentators.
Gameplay: if u dont usually play football games, then u will have fun, if u r an avid football gamer like me, u r gonna get BORED, the AI of u team mates is clumsy, they get on your way causing u to loose the ball, the adversary AI its TOO easy even in legendary difficulty and u'll get used to their tactics almost immediately, the ball physics are very well worked, the players physics too wich makes it fell kind of a waste for such bad AI, it does'nt have an editor of any kind so u will have to take the game how it is. the challenges are fun and a little plus that keep this football lover comming back for more.
Multiplayer: very fun multiplayer but with some bugs, both players must have very good connection, otherwise u risk to get disconnected in the middle of a game, this can cause u the be given a win or a loss no matter what the score was before the disconnection.
so, there u have it, the opinion of a real football lover, hope u liked it!
PS. i preffer fifa to pes that increased my dissapointment about this game, ill get u a review of pes 2010 as soon as it goes out, although it doesnt looks very different to WE 9, judging by the videos i found in youtube.