Simply one of the best football games on PC to date.
Firstly, the graphics is finally back on track! Although is not very "new", some may argue that is old and resembles the graphics in FIFA 09, it does its job of pleasing the eye. The 3D grass and the natural colour of the pitch are back and they seem more real than ever! In addition, the weather system is very well implemented and, yes, finally the pitches are sometimes covered in snow in the winter season! Not to forget, new cinematics are available, of course! :)
Secondly, the gameplay is next-gen. I have never played FIFA on Xbox or PS3, but I have played PES on PC and I can honestly say that for the first time in the past 3 or 4 years, FIFA's gameplay overpowers PES's. On professional level the AI is just great and very challenging - even if I used to play FIFA 10 on world class level. The opponents are very aggressive and if you play against tough teams you can barely make 3 or 4 consecutive passes and not be fully focused on the game. Only one thing bothers me and that is that the goalkeepers are unnaturally good - or maybe I am wrong. However, the bright side is that you actually notice the differences between goalkeepers' skills - this applys to the players also.
Finally, the commentary and menu system are brand new. The commentators have finally more IQ and the menu system is more intuitive and easy to use.
I don't generally use FIFA for the multiplayer part. I prefer the FIFA Online game for it so I don't actually know the multiplayer features, however, I think one could skip some inconveniences.
In conclusion, you must acquire this PC game! Don't take into account the small critics because some have issues with EA and some are just saying things to annoy. If you want, however, more arguments just search for some gameplay footage on youtube.