Fifa 10 lovers will be dissapointed :/
at first i want to say i waited for the game since they anounce it,for all god reasons like playing the keeper what i was thinking is a great idea and all the new gameplay so how i feel when actually i have this game i was negatively suprissed why...
overall the game is so simillar to the fifa 10 but that`s good all the modes are here carrer,manager mode ,be a pro.menus look great and clear the creation center is a reall good improvement,and reaplay center is nice thing to compare goals with your friends.unforunaely everything changes when u start to play for first the Realism and simulation of the game is nice but lacks with some aspects like the new crossing simulation when 1 of 25 headers u gonna win and not always score ,the AI of the players especially defenders is for me not realistic at all they just standing and waiting for something to happen but when u attack even when u playing with 1 star team they defenders are like 7 stars team:( and i don`t know if u noticed this because i have for example when u losing and obviously u want to get max attack formation and strategy they still in the same positions ???? it`s definately not realistic:( if i`m gonna be honest the system and Ai of fifa 10 was awesome but still this is really good game if u fan definattely u gonna try it without even reading reviews:) as for me i`m really curious about pes 2011 maybe but just maybe the king gonna come back :)
the biggest + is for playing the kepper especialy 11 vs 11 try :)
take care and enjoy the game
p.s sorry for my language :/