this is not PES.....this is fifa....continueing the boring style of game play
every year i bought both, and play fifa sooner than PES,since PES is release i'm done with fifa.
this year everyone say fifa is better,gameplay is changed,it's have xbox graphic,and it's awsome,but when i bought it,and play as well, i saw things with my eyes.....
many things are changed,but main problem is still remains,that is gameplay,it's still borin after 10 match,EA tried well to change gameplay but i don'e know why it's still give me same feeling about fifa, more's not PES ,i'ts not even close,it's good game,but it's not great or awsome one.....i can't wait for PES...considering all bugs that PES have,but it have awsome gameplay,graphic,face simulation and patches that will release solve the problem of teams and players licence. let me make it simple,PES have some bugs in every version,but fifa is bug itself.