Overrated !!!! a massive step backward.
Did u know guys what happened when i played this game for the first minute??I just just kick off the ball and within a second i found 10 players all been grouped at the center of the pitch all running towards the ball in a silly , dump frustrated way that makes me feel sick from the first second of the match.
Up to this minute i cant understand how this game has been rated 9 out of 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and whats that good about the visuals , players shapes and looks??nothing special if we exclude some few players such as messi and ronaldo.
The new personality system and to play as a goalkeeper does not add much to the series..
Playing as a goal keeper will be like almost to watch a CPU vs CPU match except for hitting the analog stick few times during the match.
Career mode is silly and its not deeper as stated in the GS review.I dont think that negotiating with the player and the club(for the transfers) make this mode deeper or more interesting.In fact there is no upgrades as it was there in the previous fifa games.
And to be honest , the personality + is useless too..i mean u wont realize this feature a lot during the match..its much like assigning some abilities to the players to be read in their Bio only.The game speed become faster for no logical reason.
if this was the first fifa game ever i would rate it to 8 or 8.5 but comparing that to fifa 10 or fifa world cup 2010 .. ohhhhh...not fair to compare even and it does not worth buying if u tired fifa 10..
thx Gs for fooling me to buy this ,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!