Just another terrible, unrealistic soccer game by EA...although they fixed a few things they made several much worse.

User Rating: 4.5 | FIFA Soccer 11 PS3
This game is just terrible. The only good part is that for once you actually have to play the game like a real team would with good passing and strategy. Chipping every time is now much more difficult, as is making through balls because the defenders will always outrun and outpower an attacker, even if they are faster than the defender. So you would think it would be a fun game now without a lot of cheap goals?

This might be true if FIFA 11 didn't completely ruin the passing system. It is absolutely ridiculous how bad passing is this year, when in FIFA 10 it wasn't that bad at all (or didn't seem that bad after having played FIFA 11). You can have the best passing team in the world with the best players, such as Barcelona, and it seems like about 60% of the time the ball will go to a completely different player than the one you intended it to, or will just get dinked to no one, even if you pressed the buttons exactly as they should be pressed in the exact right direction. It is unbelievably frustrating because there is absolutely no way to make the players do what you press. You could always try manual passing, but I hate that even more because they never get the power right either. It is really unplayable for someone who really likes soccer games. Maybe if you don't mind the game not doing what you press more than half the time you could play this, but I seriously prefer FIFA 10 and getting chipped every time to this garbage.