I dunno what to say about this game, it's awesome where on the other hand somethings piss me of.
Another change in the game is the penalties, you don't have the classic feature where you can just point the analog and shoot , theres a bar that goes from left to right and it's split into red orange yellow and green. Obviously green should be your target , and the better the player is in penalties the larger the green area will be. After you hit the button you will be able to choose the direction. But pay attention theres an invisible target that you will have to position. In the arena you can click L2 to show it , it takes less than 15 mins to get used to it.
The main thing that made me buy the game is the Be A Goalkeeper feature. Finally a full virtual game, 11 v 11 online!! You'll get cussed at for every goal you let in but it's fun to try new things, even if they let you be a manager and run around the field and shout crap it'll be awesome!
Anyways the game is great but those minor annoyances you get and frustration while playing stops me from giving it higher than an 8.5