FIFA 11 and FIFA 10...What's the difference?

User Rating: 8.5 | FIFA Soccer 11 PSP
Now what was common in previous FIFA games on the PSP?

-Lame graphics.
-Annoying and repetitive celebrations.
-Unchanged commentary.

And I'm sure there is a bunch of other stuff that'll add to the future disappointment in the series...but that's the never does!

Provided it's same mechanics and rarely adding new game modes (e.g. last year they added the TRAINING mode), FIFA has that strange IT factor that makes you want to play it...thou you see no point in doing so given the factors above.

So let's start with my official review:

The first and foremost thing that captures the attention of the gamer is of course...the graphics. So I'm gonna keep this short and sweet (didn't mean to be cheesy there)...the graphics are THE SAME and STILL SUCKISH. EA hasn't done anything to improve the visual effects of the game. Especially for the players. No offense intended...but Kaka and Ozil (both Real Madrid) look like deformed people. In my opinion...they've worsened Kaka's look.
The mechanism looks the same...but then again...the IT factor makes it feel a little different.

Overall: 5/10

Im gonna keep this REAL short and sweet. The gameplay is the same as last year's. So don't get your hopes up.

Overall: 6.5/10


The all-new BE-A-GOALKEEPER is on the PSP too! At first, I really expected it only on the PS3 and XBOX 360...but there you have it...on the PSP. Its really annoying in the beginning because you give away a lot of goals...but it gets some getting used to...and its pretty awesome...last minute saves when the ball is going to cross the goaline make it all the more epic.

The Career Mode is now divided in three parts:
1- Be A Pro
2- Be A Coach
3- Be A Manager

Im guessing you already know numbers 1 & 3.

Be A Coach is similar to Be A Pro...only that your PRO takes control of the team. Thats the difference.


One main and invaluable option has been deleted from FIFA 11 for the PSP...and that is the 'INFRASTRUCTURE' mode. This indeed is a rip-off, but the massive number of people who download the game for free don't deserve the online gameplay...and thus its because of this that EA decided to remove it. It is a huge con and makes entertainment a lot less enjoyable.


FIFA 11 for the PSP is a fun and frolic game to play, that is for the lifelong FIFA footy loving fans. As for the regular is an exciting piece of fun and you'll be sure to enjoy it.

OVERALL: 8.0/10