Fifa 11: a big gap for improvement
I put it in my x box and I was really excited when it got to the arena at the beginning of the game I thought that it was really different to Fifa 10 but soon I got really bored and was very happy that I only had the game for one week.
Game play
Nothing has changed from last year apart from a new game mode called goalkeeper mode were you can play as the goalie in all the offline game modes this mode was really boring as the camera was in the wrong place and you couldn't change it and there was virtually nothing to do most of the matches you played as the goalie,
Also they have got rid of manager mode and created career mode where you can play as a manager, player manager or your virtual pro.
Changed a bit but not much Fifa only ever seem to focus on major teams in major leagues with lots of players in lower leagues not looking at all like the real life players that they are representing players also look a bit plastic in close up shots.
Game modes
Again nothing much has changed the usual game modes are still there apart from a new career mode (which used to be manager mode) so nothing amazing there.
I found it a huge disappointment to the Fifa series and I am going to buy pes 11 instead as it looks a lot better.
Overall rating