Year 2010, mark it as the year that Fifa completely beated Pro Evolution Soccer

User Rating: 9.5 | FIFA Soccer 11 PS3
First let´s get one thing straight, i´ve buyed pro evolution soccer for TEN YEARS IN A ROW!!
I´m a fan, but fortunatly i´m not blind..
Fifa this year it´s miles away from PES..

The gameplay it´s amazing

The graphics are flawless

The ultimate Team mode it´s just completely addictive..

Online mode it´s just a little slow but tha´s where i toke that 0,5 from 10..

Carreer mode it´s not a very distant jump from last year but it´s still very good.

The tricks are amazing as always, i can spend hours on the arena just trying and training combos of tricks. xD

The the 360 degrees fight for posetion of the ball it´s the final bullet that kills Pes this year.

In conclusion after ten years of playing Pro evolution soccer i finally bought Fifa and gess what...

I´m not disappointed, i made the right call.

but enough talk, i´ve gotta go play Fifa 11 xD
