The game is basically the copy of FIFA 10 on PS3/Xbox 360. It's 80% the same, only the titles (FIFA 11) and some menu stuff is different. But I gave this a 10 because I have been addicted to this game for over half a year. I play at least a match per day online and offline. I am a extreme soccer fan, never played PES but FIFA 11 is,,,, ITS SO FUN!!! So realistic, so good, it's fantastic. Finnaly the next gen FIFA is on PC that's why I give it a 9.5. I hope FIFA 12 will get the things FIFA 11 got on the PS3/Xbox 360 or my FIFA 12 review will be pretty bad. FIFA 11 rocks!!! I played the pirated game for about 4 months then decided to buy it and the online is fantastic. 5v5 matches are so fun!!! I LOVE SOCCER/FOOTBALL. I LOVE FIFA 11.
MUST BUY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And btw I play with a keyboard and I am really good :S I don't see why people suck with keyboard. I would have given this game a 10 but since u cannot configure keyboard ingame and the manual that comes with the game only shows Xbox 360 buttons I give it a 9.5. STILL AWESOME GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I have played FIFA '98, the series has gone better and better on PC, reaching I peak with FIFA 2004 or 2005 (can't really decide). However, since then EA has done a terrible job copying every year the same gameplay... Read Full Review
This game it's just... AMAZING! I mean, from the first time I entered, i just felt in love with the new pro camera that really add that feeling that you are on the pitch. The physics of the game are absolutely real, all... Read Full Review