Another year means only one thing.
EA has been under some pressure in recent years from Konami's determination to knock them off their figurative football throne, yet EA have managed to cling on to their crown and stand firm against the challenges it faces to keep its games fresh.
Perhaps one the most notable characteristics of FIFA 11 is its focus on passing and movement. In past games players seemed to handle sluggishly but now players are almost fluidly sewn into the space of the pitch which results in incredibly open and unpredictable play. The ball almost moves freely around the players feet offering a more fluid ball movement and the players almost feel like individuals rather than just a cluster of similar simulated men.
The AI is generally spot on and can provide challenging matches where the AI can use various tactics and skills to try and undermine your defence. The game is not without the occasional bug or glitch but overall the AI of the gameplay and of the Board in Career Mode is consistently great.
The Career mode can be tackled in three ways - a player, player manager or just a simple manager. The player option allows you to create your own player if you so choose and play the game as a 'Virtual Pro'. Manager mode allows you to play the usual set-up as a manager and deal with your selected teams Board, transfers, tactics and goals which offers an interesting perspective into managerial play.
Multiplayer mode is generally where sports games tend to shine. There can be much more entertainment achieved through playing with friends, either through Xbox Live or a two controller match where you can create your own tournaments and generally have a good time embarrassing your friends. On Xbox live there are various ways to play. The first is the standard Head to Head match and there is Team Play - which gives the chance of having 11 people compete against 11 over Live. Playing over Xbox Live can be frustrating with games frequently disconnecting and there is also the age-old problem of people quiting early.
Overall, it is the same game it has been over the last couple of years but with slightly improved graphics and an updated team roster. It also still maintains its licensed leagues and real player names that its rivals lack. Despite its changes it really is just an updated version of past games and does not really offer much in terms of innovation or creativity. However, if you're having a few football-loving fans round to play Xbox, there's few and far games that offer anything better.