I've been playing FIFA games for years now, and it is true that some years end up worse than others, and some come out with new innovations that add to the overall enjoyable experience of FIFA. This year happened to be one of those years that ended up worse than the previous. In fact, I would say that it is the worst release to date considering the resources given to the developers. Firstly, the Career Mode just feels so lacking in content. There is no such thing as playing for your nation in Be a Pro mode, a feature that some might not consider important. In Manager Mode, your duties consist of playing games, and buying/selling players. That's it. Maybe some people thought it was unnecessary to have all those other options to improve the club's stadium, scouting, and coaching facilities, but I definitely enjoyed that. Oh, and there is no such thing as "scouting" for new players, and there is HARDLY such thing as player improvement. The most improvement I've ever seen was when I played 4 seasons as West Ham and Pablo Barrera increased an astonishing... 5 points in those 4 long years. That was by FAR the most improvement I've seen in ANY player EVER. You should know that I didn't simply give this game a test drive, and I didn't brashly write this review on a whim after playing a few games and being a sore loser after a few online thrashings. No, I pre-ordered this game and have probably put in about 400+ hours to date. That's simply because I just love playing football games. Now, the actual game play isn't dreadful. The traits and specialties features did add a little bit of uniqueness to the players (though I don't think it came close to doing what it was expected to). Playing the demo on Xbox live gives you a good enough feel of how very different the game play is from previous titles. It does feel much more realistic and unpredictable in contrast to the redundancy of animation in previous titles. The assisted shooting option tends to cause shots to be shot right towards the keeper on breakaways, similar to Robben's breakaways on Casillas in the World Cup Finals. Also, once the goalie tips the ball, that ball will NEVER go into the net EVER no matter what, if the keeper touches the ball it doesn't go into the net. Maybe one in ten thousand might slip in, but I personally have NEVER seen a ball go in after the goalie tips it. That just isn't realistic. And if the goalie tips it and it stays in play, the only time the player will EVER score on the rebound is if an unrealistic event happens in the box. Usually that consists of the goalie bulling through and knocking 3 defenders on the ground yet somehow leaving the attacker free on an open net (again that happens about 1 in 30, the defense almost always wins rebounds.) In my opinion, this is the kind of game only a mother can love. I was appalled at the 9.0 rating given by gamespot, and that could be because of a few things A. The individual that played this never touched FIFA 09 or 10. B. The individual played about one exhibition and maybe a season of manager mode C. The most likely explanation is that they simply disregarded the game's expectations, for some reason overlooked the flaws and "what-ifs", and combined A and B together.
By manufcdaniel | Review Date: Oct 30, 2010 | X360
I rented this game from blockbusters to decide if I should buy the latest in the Fifa series and I was hugely disappointed. I put it in my x box and I was really excited when it got to the arena at the beginning of th... Read Full Review
o.k people, finally we got the right football game to play .everything feels right and real.you actually feels one of the characters that playing on the pitch ,whether if it's messi or ronaldo or some other top player.... Read Full Review