Fifa 11 useless ...

User Rating: 2.5 | FIFA Soccer 11 PC
A console port if there ever was one .
It is not possible to play with the keyboard .You have to go out and get a joystick.Gameplay mechanics are flawed,Impossible to enter the D.No training mode to practice.Options greatly reduced.EA have seriously not put any thought into the PC version of FIFA 11.I did not enjoy the passing mechanics and the shooting is this......
I guess it's time to go out and buy PES 11 .
I hope it will be better.Multiplayer is quite good.But the is AI sucks and manager mode is pointless and boring.
I used to love FIFA .I don't know it's rated so high.
But I guess that's what over hyped means.I just kept on losing matches even though I used to be really good at FIFA before but because of these changes I keep on losing to division 3 teams with Manchester United and Real Madrid