Don't stop playing Fifa 11 until next year!

User Rating: 4 | FIFA 12 PC
I'll start this review by saying that i don't consider Fifa 11 a masterpiece, but i do agree that it's the best football game ever. It has its bugs, but it also has a lot of good parts.
Now, when i started playing Fifa 12, i was expecting a game similar to Fifa 11 (considering EA rarely releases two completely different football games in two consecutive years), but without the bugs.
What i found was totally unexpected. Many of the bugs are still there (the referee still won't get out of your way), but that's not the most disappointing part.
I don't understand why EA changed some parts that were totally all right!
I'll start by saying that the way you tackle in this game is disastrous. In all Fifa versions until now, you had a button that you just had to keep pressed and your player did the pressing automatically and, when able, tackle and get the ball. But now, every time you press the tackle button, your player tries to tackle, even if he's 10 meters from the opponent. It's comic sometimes, the way he tackles "the air", but it's also frustrating, cause you waste some time and the opponent gets away. You need to have the accuracy of a sniper to do a good tackle. Also, it happened to me a lot that i did a good tackle, but the ball still stayed at the opponent.
The menu is horrible. I always get lost in its submenus. I prefer a normal menu, with the options arranged one under another, because in this way they all fit on the screen. EA preferred to line them up horizontally, they don't fit all on the screen, so you have to search for them to the left and right.
From what i see, now when you start the ball with your goalkeeper, often the opponent comes in front of your closest player so he forces you to play a long ball. It's annoying, i know many would say it's realistic, but as long as i can't control both the goalkeeper and the player (so i can't tell my player to run somewhere else, to lose the opponent) and as long as my player isn't smart enough to try and lose the opponent by himself, this is like saying: "You're not allowed to play the ball short", which isn't fair.
The game, in my opinion, is too slow on normal settings. Fifa 11 was a lot faster. Of course, this can be changed.
Also, i admit i like to dribble and unfortunately in Fifa 12, when you play against computer, dribbles aren't very helpful. Why? Because, when you start dribbling, the opponent moves away from you, so dribbles aren't effective. Again, many would say it's because the AI is smarter, but personally i liked in Fifa 11 when the opponent attacked me while i was dribbling so i could easily dribble him. It's that feeling you get when you do a successful dribbling, you don't care if it's because the AI is stupid.
To conclude, i expect in Fifa 13 to have different buttons for the left and the right leg and to have to press them alternately in order for the player to run (reference to the way you tackle in Fifa 12). So, Fifa 11 will be the first Fifa that i'll play for (at least) two years. I suggest you do the same, it's way better than this one.