EA sports, it's in the game. You know that quote from all the FIFA games. FIFA is great and perfect game for FIFA fans!
»How do you wanna play«
You can select at the Career mode a three option for how do you wanna play? You can play as player and you must listen to your trainer (manager) to play great games and let you show more of your quality as a perfect player like Lionel (Leo) Messi. You can play as Manager (trainer) with that option you can make your team perfect on all the matches, setup your squad on the field with your perfect strategy. EA sports has worked great on that part and on the player part. I want to tell you about the player manager, but you must find out alone because I don't know what to do with that mode dear FIFA fans.
»Career menu update is perfect and easy to understand«
Just like I say on the qoute above about the Career menu that you can understand easier then before, you can read the last news from the news letter and megazine. You can see at the right side about your team ranking and players scores. This is great to do with the menu of Career mode. You can see about the players how they grow and see the latest news, but the important stuff is that you can see who and how long they have injury.
The gameplay of FIFA 12 is easier to understand and to play, you can play easy on matches (games) and with players either. You must play only with analog stick and you can't play with digital move buttons anymore, but there is no problem to me because I can play with analog stick easier then on PS3. The menu is more and easier understand the menu and comments.
»Grafics are great at HD (high devination)«
The grafics is perfect to understand if you see the players and the stadions where you can play football (soccer) this is great. You can see Lionel Messi like you see it on TV or real life, but that's inculding all the players too dear FIFA fans. The photos of players are the real pictures of all the players on FIFA 12. I like it and I'm happy that I have the game right now.
This game named FIFA 12 is perfect FIFA game at this moment...
+ Character design: they looks as a real players.
+ Controls: was and is always perfect to handle.
+ Career mode menu: this is mostly great to have it on FIFA 12.
+ Matches are great to play it.
- Substitution: you can't use the comment of substition.