First impression: the best game ever. When playing more and more it seems to be failure. Bottom line EA took the FUN .

User Rating: 5.5 | FIFA 12 (PS3 Bundle) PS3
I am very surprised to see that no body rais the big issue: Is Fifa 12 the game of what we have been waiting for?

Fifa11 and ultimate team of Fifa 11 was a great game ever before, I was playing for Fifa11 till its last day and was very enjoyed.
I will simplified all the issues, but I gave to many chance to Fifa 12 and finally I can say: It is not good game, and it is about time that EA will do something.
The biggest issues:
1. The game is not fun and most of the time is boring. The new deference system does not give you the opportunity to press the ball and people is actually are not "playing" while defence.
2. In attack you have the same problem, The AI is too "smart", even attack players keep on offside line and go back all the time and continue to the defence (as described above), your game is actually "standing".
For instance, I have a difficulty to win my son six years old. (he does not press any bottom except X in def)
3. many bugs issue, players tackles etc.
4. penalties issues.
5. pass issues - pressing X and the ball goes like flipper automatic is boring (playing manual is nice)
5. Ultimate team issue - disconnect after winning (I already have spent 70 Euro for noting!!!), the game still have a problem even after the patch.

Please return us the FUN, we love playing X and 0 in deffence. for 20 years now.
We like the that the players are running and not stuck and get back.
Leave the graphics, the new shoots and go back to fifa 11.

sincerely yours,
Yellow ISR