Fantastic!!! Much more in depth, tests your skill level to the max...challenging but riveting...

User Rating: 8.5 | FIFA Soccer 12 X360
With all that said, there are still a few pieces missing here or there...

- additional referees on the dead ball line behind goal seize to exist.
- in manager mode, transfers between clubs are different. a bit overly done though, star players move around clubs way too often that you get lost as to where to find them if you want to buy that player.
- furthermore, you still do not have the option of player-plus-cash in doing transfers
- i would personally still like to see more leagues added, namely the south african league and argentinian league.
- although a touchy subject, diving has become apart of the modern game, so why is it not implemented into the gameplay??? a simple tap of the button to make ur player go down looking for a foul, be it well timed or not, a separate outcome would apply.

With all that is missing, there is a whole lot that has made FIFA 12 a sensational game!!!

- tackling is more challenging and brings more tense moments in the game, you cant just dive in, you gotta be precise.
- handballs have been reduced, you dont see so frequent penalties given for 'accidental' handballs.
- passing is much more in depth, and realistic(i love the low cross field cross ;))
- shooting is better, still pretty much the same with a few more things taken into account.
- my personal relief is seeing that you dont get hunted down by the defenders as easily as you used to in previous versions, but also, you cant just break away as easily, which brings a greater excitement to gameplay.

All in all, FIFA 12 has come a long way from what FIFA 11 was, and thankfully has become more enjoyable and more addictive, with an added challenge.