A boring game that may appeal some soccer fans with some interesting features, but overall is a lacking package.
A new addition are the touch screen controls, which can help you shoot more exactly in the middle of a game, depending on the player you are using. You can ask the player to shoot exactly in a spot, with good results depending on the player's abilities.
You can also shoot penalties, corners, and free kicks with the touch screen, but those feel random and uninteresting.
The career mode has improved from the DS games, but they still don't have it right. Sure, it now has a lot more features like training, friendly matches, and contracts with companies, but the players lack any apparent stamina, which sucks, since it gives no reason to change them.
Another addition is street soccer which plays like a watered down version of FIFA street.
Overall, I wouldn't say it's good, it's surely an improvement from portables, but not that big.
Presentation: The presentation, I must admit, is very good, with great graphics, good music, and good use of the 3D.
My only complain is repetitive sound effects and voice work.
Replay Value: There's a ton of features to keep you coming, so if you're planning to 100% the game, it'll take a while. However, no online really takes off some points.
Fun: I had no fun with the game, even when I did tried and I've always loved FIFA. I hope they make the game better. Street soccer is a little more fun than the main soccer mode, but it still doesn't make it worth a buy.
Overall: I don't recommend the game, even for fans of soccer, because you'll be disappointed. This is not the FIFA portable experience we'd been waiting for.