Lousy Concept and awfull implementation. Its like Auto-Aim in Easy Mode of an FPS Game, just that it is a soccer "sim".
And there are several reasons i live underground lifestyle, underground techno music, non-hyped games, non-mass opinions.
I bought FIFA2004 because i didnt find any shop with International Superstar Soccer 2 for Xbox at that time and there was no PES out yet for the Xbox System. And i was totally deceived. I dont remember very well, but i know that you couldnt chose the direction for free-kicks and corners yourself. i mean wtf?! You can press a, b and x to choose the receiving player and thats it?? Awesome gameplay!
Man even Fifa 2000 was more fun despite the fact it had horrible graphical bugs and it was very bad too. (I think it was Fifa 2000, with the Indoor-Soccer possibility, right?)
Also the absolutely outdated ISS2 for Xbox was really better in terms of Gameplay and Realism.
Dont believe the hype Little fanboy padawan!
Conclusion: I really have no idea how GS could give this game an official Rating of 8.4 for the Xbox version. Its like eating a soup without spoons and both hands tied to the back... o.O