Fifa street 2 is an alright game, not the best but possibly not the worst. It may be playable but it could get boring.
It's a good game, not the worst though. It's better off played on a PS2/3 though as the graphics seem more clear than on the DS plus on the DS the touch screen is made for unnecceassary reasons. It's easy to control the player and to play the game too but it's hard playing it for a long amount of time as it seems olriginal and nothing new to be called 2, therefore it seems to still be the same as the first fifa street.
It's still a good game though, atleast you can play a bit of football on a DS, the graphics may not be great as I said, but it really is playable. It really is worth the wait though, you could find better games than this.
The game is an acceptable game and has atleast a 30-60 minutes playing.