"Highly adictive!!" This game is perfect for those who love soccer and were waiting for this sequel.. Lots of fun!!!!!!!

User Rating: 8.9 | FIFA Street 2 GC
Simply adictive... You can spend hours playing and you won´t be bored at all !!! Just the idea of playing with zidane, ronaldinho, marquez, buffon, riquelme and lots of stars in the same team its awesome!!!!

It´s "rule the street" mode makes you play arround the world searching for the best players to join your team... plus there´s a great option that let you change the players outfit !!

The gameplay lets you to do tricks with hard button combinations or if you´re not in the mood to burn your brain by making this combinations you also can use only the Y button to make a random trick!!!!!

This game has a great gameplay, great graphics, great sound effects but crappy music.......... I hope EA will improve the music for the next street game series...