Time to play a multi-cultural game for all of you gamers out there!

User Rating: 10 | 2006 FIFA World Cup Deutsch Taikai PSP
Ok, so the Fifa world cup has past, and it was a huge hit to people all over the world. Now Sony has brought the the World cup to your hand-held PSP. This is an amzaing game for all you soccer fans. Of course you got all the teams that participated in the event so you can pick your favourite. Once you have picked your favourite team, you can bring that team to a challenge know as, Global Challenge. In this event, you take your team, and challenge all the teams that were in the World Cup. All the way from Oceania Countries, all the way to Canada. Now it sounds easy but in each game you are given a specific task to complete, such as getting 300 skill points or win game, and so on. The Global Challenge is quite long but still fun. Now you can take your team and go world wide with them. Yes you can bring your favourite team to participate in The FIFA World Cup. Of course for all you gamers who watched the World Cup, who know how is goes. You must go throught each round starting at the round of 32, all the way until the final match to determine who will win the world cup. In the end this game ROCKS! It's a fun game with good music from all over the world. The game play from this game is actually really good for the PSP. FIFA World Cup is an amazing game that would fit into the collection of games you have for the PSP.