Can't change your squad in the SQUAD options during Qualification Mode. Can't finish 90% of online games.
How long do you expect us to endure this type of buggy gameplay and COMPLETE oversights on your part?
The TWO WORST things about this game is in the Review Description.
First. You CAN NOT change your squads in the actual "SQUADS" screen within Qualification Mode. It will give you only about 2 pages of players! In the squads menu on the screen that you start the game in... it will let you adjust your squads with 4 pages of players (for Portugal anyway).
So when in Qualification Mode.. the only place you can actually adjust your squads to what you actually want with ALL OF YOUR PLAYERS.. is in the Pre-Match screen before each match you play... here it gives you the full 4 pages of players to choose from.
This RIDICULOUS oversight means that you have to spend maybe 5 minutes or so changing your starting 11 and subs to what you actually want them to be... depending on how close the default squads are to your actual starting 11 + subs.
The SECOND TRAVESTY in this game is the ONLINE PLAY... WHAT ONLINE PLAY?!?!? I think to qualify as online play.. you have to be able to COMPLETE at least HALF of your games!
As of right now.. I've probably played about 100+ games of FIFA online... My ranking is something like 17-6. What does that tell you? That something like 80% of my games are losing connection to my opponent. I don't know if it's just **** coding or **** servers... but it's just plain WRONG!!
The funny part is that it seems that some of the ONLY times I complete a game, I happen to be losing... lol.. it's never like I get a break and I lose connection when I'm losing anyway.. I've probably had my first lost connection while i'm losing just a few minutes ago... the rest of the time I remember being on the winning side.. just to have the game disconnect to my opponent.
Either way.. not being able to complete almost ALL OF THE GAMES I PLAY ONLINE... is HORRID.. whether I'm on the winning or losing side at the time.
There are lots of other little things to bug you about the game as well.. through balls in the air to the wings.. sometimes your players will be right on patch with it and all they have to do is trap the ball.. but they just .. let it pass them... and then they change their run to go try and catch it before it goes out of bounds.. but most of the time.. they don't make it.. it's pretty stupid... if they just stop the ball with their foot it would be fine.. but .. they don't..
That is one example of many.
The good?
Graphics are ok.. the camera angle changes randomly though between a veery zoomed out view .. and a normal one (I use Tele view).
The shooting is a little better ... but not on headers where you have to apply a ridiculously quick touch to keep the ball under the bar, otherwise you'll see A LOT of headers go into the stands from what should be a GREAT heading position.
To put it bluntly... this is a HORRIBLE game.. save your money.. EA need to learn SOMETIME... I mean .. the two worst parts of this game SHOULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT by the testers... It is INEXCUSABLE!!
I really don't know what else to say... when a game just makes you VERY VERY VERY VERY ANGRY... instead of being fun... you'd have to say they did it ALL WRONG!
Well since this review they changed their servers so they don't suck ass.. that bumbs pretty much all my ratings up.
The game is still way to easy.. there are still lots of annoying bugs..
But being able to play online consistently is pretty much all I can ask of any good soccer game and for the most part they've allowed us to do that by fixing the issues that were plagueing it before.
Rating goes from 4 to 7.1 for me.