" It's so addictive I haven't gone outside in 3 months! " - Stated Juan Rodriguez from MehicoGaming.
This game is the best open-world golf simulator of 2014. I have played for over 100 hours and never got tired of Leonel Messy the mehican golfer.
Also on the cover you can see an ad for Quatar Airlines so you now it's being sponsored by the greats.
Getting into the game-play the goal keeper Iker Casillas felt really under-powered with a very low swing almost touching the ground and missing the altercation par level entirely and hitting the sand. Butt his partner Ronaldo has a very got put making up for his partners flaws.
The game-play is very smooth much like "Wing Commander III - Heart Of The Tiger".
But the real part of the game isn't the multi-player of the co-op, it's the single player experience with takes you on a memorable ride along the great names of football such as Tiger Woods, Davy Jones, That one guy from Space Jam, an actual football player, and, most importantly Hobbes from the pre-mentioned game as an exclusive DLC content for those who attended the 2014 golf tournament.
The server's have almost no lag at all so you can experience the multi-player aspect of the game without worrying about your connection. It makes up for a very solid multi-player which is one of the reason I got into basketball in the first place.
My final thoughts on it are that although looking a bit unpolished it's overall potential makes it a market killer for all the other volleyball simulators out there.
It's a great game which I recommend you get.