First rule of Fight Club: Do not play Fight Club.

User Rating: 3.8 | Fight Club XBOX
As Alex Navarro said: "Fight Club was about non-commercialism and being against the system. So why the hell would you make a game based on somthing like that?". Couldn't have said it any better, Alex. Fight Club's gameplay, if you can call it that, obviously consists of mainly beating the crap out of your opponents, including the unlockable Fred Durst, who has nothing to do with the film at all. Although it would be nice to kick Fred's ass once in awhile, the atrocious controls won't let you do that very well, unfortunatley. You have to constantly mash the buttons until you almost crush the whole controller to win one round, and you can't continue any further because you'll be massaging your hand for about 30 min. The graphics are fairly good, and the very image of bones shattering is a neat effect indeed. The bruises, cuts and scrapes display themselves in a very realistic manner, but the background really isn't as detailed as you'd think they'd be (that's no suprise either). The sound............hmmm.........trying to think of something good..........uhhh.......well, there was the time when I turned off the console and brought it back to the store, but...nothing good comes to mind. Well, as you can see, there are three rules of Fight Club: First rule of Fight Club: Do not play Fight Club. Second rule of Fight Club: Do not play Fight Club. Third rule of Fight Club: Watch the film instead. So, now that you know about Fight Club, you would do well to avoid this abomination. Have a nice day. :)