Fight Night Round 2 delivers the knockout punch for boxing titles!

User Rating: 8.8 | Fight Night Round 2 XBOX
I rented this one from gamefly and played it for a couple weeks before returning it. The gameply is quite fun. I had concerns at first regarding the controls but they actually worked out well. Just takes a little getting use to. Another concern I had was the overuse of haymakers. I thought it was just too easy to allow someone to throw haymakers for every punch. I would like to suggest that for FNR3 that a gamer has to build up for the use of the haymaker with a combo. The larger the combo the greater the haymaker. Also, be carefull who you box. It seems easy to just create your guy as big as they can be and give them all power. There is no way to beat him unless your just as big. Stick to the default characters and you'll love the game.