Simply the most fun you`l have playing a boxing game.

User Rating: 9 | Fight Night Round 2 (Greatest Hits) PS2
This game is AWESOME.I thought that fight night 2004 was the best boxing game that il ever play but i was completely wrong.The 1 thing that i loved about fight night round 2 was the haymaker.Its an awesome punch that, once you completely learn how to do it, is as natural as the normal total punch control.Another great adddition to the fight night series is the EA Sports Cutman.Its preety cool and very useful.The training in the carrer mode is also very easy to do, unlike the one in fight night 2004.Overall, the graphics are better and the blood in the EA Sports Cutman is life-like and practically everything in fight night round 2 is awesome.I cant wait till round 3.Expect my review on Fight Night Round 3 on the playstation 3 soon.