EA, get your controls right
This part really need to be taken back to the drawing board. You use R to block. While blocking you can move the c-stick in different directions to block at different angels. This is incredibly hard because there is no prelude to what the attack will be. You can do a signature punch which doesn't deal alot of damage but it is your main weapon. Then you can use the c-stick to use punches. This is were this game sufferes from the same problems as games like Advent Rising. You have to push it in different directions to use different attack. But while you are boxing someone you will just end up randomly pushing it around. You can push it in multiple diretions in a row to use a haymaker. If you can get it to work right it is devastating. If you run out of health you have to use each control and c-sticks to move too ball into the zone. While this may sound easy it is really hard. They will shake around and sometimes go into a different direction. In the end the gameplay is some of the worst to grace your consoles. And trust me, I'm being nice.
.... they kick A$$. When you first start the fight it looks so real. You look around and everone is jumping up and down in all of thier 2D gloriesness. The character modling looks very nice but after you play the game for a few hours you will start to see that they weren't really trying that hard. is just at first it looks really cool then the magic just wears off. The presentations is fairly nice and look visually pleasing. The menus look cool and are like little paper cut outs. Tyhe girls that walk around the ring are really hot. When you hit someone with a punch blood comes squirting out and thier sweat goes flying. Thier facial expresions look amazing. You can really tell that they are in pain. Some times though they will figit around on the floor like a dead fish.
I really can't say much about it. The anoucers are annoying are very repeditive. They only know about 10 lines and they say those over and over and over and over and over. You can't turm them off so get ready to be mad at them. There music is not all that great. They licensed a bunch of wierd rap. I do not listen to rap so they wasn't a + fartor for me. I have semi old TV so the sound came out all messed up. What else can I say. THe sound isn't all that good.
guess is okay. I never beat the career mode because it counln'd hold my atention long enough. They multiplayer is nice. You can match up against a friend, choose a boxer from a lsit of stars and then try to explain them the controls. You can be jsut about anyone from Muhamed Ali to Joe Frasher. There are quiote a few places to be at so ya...
This is the first Fight Night game I tried and you know what, it isn't going to make me run out and get a XBOX 360 so I can play Round 3.
Not the best game of all time. There are too many major flaws to recomend this game. If you can see by those there is some fun to be had.
Gameplay: 3/10
Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 5/10
Value: 7/10
Tilt: 5/10