2nd round knockout!
This time when you create your boxer you can be exact with your boxer and the changes will appear just the way you wanted them and you can choose their physical form to more detail meaning you can make them big fat boxers with belly’s or muscled out beasts but the great thing about this tool is it allows you to be creative.
The two newest features to round 2 and the boxing genre is the inclusion of the haymaker and the cut man tool. With the haymaker you move the analogue stick as if you were gonna throw an uppercut or a hook but then you pull the stick back then swing and the haymaker can be devastating at the exact time. The cut man on the other hand is needed to make sure you don’t take too many haymakers yourself
With the cut man you try to heal the wounds and swelling which with the hits you take will progress through the fight and it adds a great sense of strategy to the game.
To summarise Fight Night Round 2 is a excellent achievement for boxing and is strongly recommended for those of you who enjoy fighting games