Mama said knock you out...

User Rating: 8.9 | Fight Night Round 3 X360
360 Version
I've played every boxing video game from old school Ring King to FN Rd3. Few boxing games are able to pull off the feeling or excitement of a good fight. FN Rd3 does just that and everything from emotionally pulling you in to knocking your lights out.
I played the ESPN Classic Match on HARD difficulty and found myself totally enthralled by the experience. I'm not going to talk about the obvious and that's the graphics, they're awesome. What I'm going to talk about is the gameplay. It feels very much like the 2005 version, not much has changed but more or less improved upon. The new impact punches feel great and add depth to the fighters arsenal but are difficult to execute. Also the increased variety of fighting styles add some personality to help every bout feel unique but still needs some more work to make every fighter feel authentic. For example, Mike Tyson's PunchOut set the bar high for personalities in boxing video games. So Rd3 still has some work to do in this department but does not disappoint. The fighters punches feel more affected by fatigue which is a good thing. It gives it more of a natural feeling rather than button mashing or HayMakering your way to a K.O. Overall the gameplay is great and feels like EA is working hard to virtually blacken eyes and break noses.