Amazing graphics thrown into clunky controls and a terrible pace.
Though in some ways innovative, the controls for punching were just not my cup of tea. Especially for stunning hits and KO hits. For those who have not played it, you swing the right thumbstick in different directions for different moves, all while pressing RT to block and LT to lean/duck and the left thumbstick to move. Sounds fun and new. Not at the pace of this game though.
I rented Fight Night figureing "Boxing is fast-paced and hardcore, can't wait!". But when I got home and popped it in the 360, I was happy I only rented it and didn't buy it. If real boxers moved at this speed, I would be world champion. This game should be as fast and deadly as DOA4. Then the controls would be flawless and worth the hassle.
Now the sound, oh man is it good. The crowd cheering and chanting, and the play-by-play are well done. But where the sound really steals the show is in the bone crunching blows to the face. Those sounds alone make me cringe and throw even more punches to break the opponents face in. Also, the soundtrack isn't too great, but that's because I'm not at all a fan of rap or hip hop, so I just plug in the iPod and listen to my own tunes. Too bad the sound alone couldn't bring up the mediocre gameplay..
I'm sure if I spent another hour or so playing I would get a real grasp of the controls and be good at dodging and leaning from punches. Sadly though, this game couldn't keep me entertained for more than an hour and a half before I had to pull it out of my 360 and pop in a better game.
So, my final statement. Go rent it. It's a good game worth at least one try. I had pretty big expectations for it and was thinking it would be a 9/10. But the lame controls and repetitive gameplay kept it down at a 7/10. Room to improve, and only slightly below average. B-