EA tries for a first round knockout..or is the series just punched out? Here's my review.

User Rating: 9 | Fight Night Round 3 X360
By now, nearly everyone knows why people like the Fight Night series. It's all about lacing on the gloves, stepping into the ring, and making hamburger meat out of someone's face. The previous Fight Night introduced us to the Cut Man feature, which allowed the player to tend to his boxer's wounds between rounds with a little interaction. It also showed us some very nice visuals and decent customization options as well. However, since 360's launch, it seems like every "expert" reviewer out there has it in for EA, with all of their sports titles recieving a basically "eh" or "better on the original Xbox"-esque review. Many felt that Fight Night Round 3 would be EA's one shot at redeeming some of the lost faith that has occurred since those launch titles. Well, EA may have been losing on the score cards, but they stepped up and delivered the K.O. they so desperately needed with FNR3. Here's how:

Graphics: I'm at a loss for words. I don't rank games on graphics alone at all (the Gran Borismo racing game series, for example, stinks I.M.O.), but this one is nice. Sweat effects are unmatched, and when you nail someone with that hook or haymaker and hear the impact, actually see their flesh ripple as your glove meets their skull and leaves a trail of devastation for the world to see, well...it's just sweet. Boxer models look great, as do the arenas. Facial expressions are priceless, such as ducking a haymaker just in time and watching that "Oh S@#$" expression come across your boxer's face. However, there are some glitches. With the hair cut I had on my created boxer, every time he moved a certain way he would appear bald on the top of his head for a second or two and then, as the animation shifted, he would magically have his hair back. Best way to describe this: When jumping up and down before a fight, every time his feet hit the mat he'd glitch bald, then when he jumped up, his hair was back. Small annoyance that grows on you so I just changed hairstyles. Also, the boxers still fall awkward. It's somewhat a small thing, but if they could get some better motion capture or something, it would be much sweeter.

Sound: The smack of fist meets head has never been better. If you land a superpunch, you know it, and not just because you're opponent becomes wobbly. For the most part, the trainer dialog is good. It gets a little repititive, but not THAT bad. The announcer, on the other hand, is a double edged sword. He calls the action great, but loves the same terms too much.

Control: If you're already used to the punch control (using the right analog stick to control throwing punches), then welcome home. If you're not, it'll take maybe five minutes and you'll have it. Blocking and countering are easy to do, but difficult to master.

Entertainment: OFFLINE, this game is awesome. Online, however, I can't stand it. Not because of graphic issues or lag, but because of one hit K.O.'s running rampant. It never fails. The match starts, the guy comes up and smacks you with the one feature I would love to see get removed from this game, the Stun Punch. It automatically drains all your stamina and if you get hit again you're knocked down. There's no talent involved...no special skill. Just one really cheap move and anyone can win if they land it. Surprisingly, the computer A.I. offline doesn't use it..ever that I've noticed. And that's a good thing. Also, dealing with idiots who love to cheap shot and clinch and run away or stand there and just counter everything isn't any fun either. Play the computer offline and get the rounded boxing experience where you can actually trade punches and have a match worth having.

All in all, FNR3 is more of the same...and that's not a bad thing. It's gorgeous, it's fun, and until you get the title, this game will have you hooked. And maybe even after. I see no reason not to recommend a purchase, even at the $60 price tag. Comparing this version to the PS2 version is comparing apples to oranges.