Fun, but unchallenging.

User Rating: 7.8 | Fight Night Round 3 X360
FNR3 is a major improvement over Round 2, which was a downgrade from the original. This game is alot of fun for boxing fan, and boxers (such as myself). EA tries to deliver a little bit with extra tidbits, like the BK King, the totally RANDOM pre-fight confrontations, the rivalries, and so on and so forth.

Unfortunately, all those are in vain as it truly does not penetrate into the upper-echelon of sports gaming. I'm not claiming, failure, as it is fun...but this is nothing like the beautiful art known as the sweet science, and any fighter will be able to tell you that.

If you like sports games, haven't tried a Fight Night yet, and still want to, this is definitely worth the money. But don't expect an immersive game that will leave you wanting more after the first 20 hours, or your first (and probably only) career during career mode.

Things they could add:
Include real fight footage to be unlocked from some of the best fights.
Include infighting techniques.
Make the rivalries a little bit different.
Space the fights farther apart.
Break the stats down more!
Get rid of the buttons ALLTOGETHER.