Not bad but....not as good as the second Fight Night. Save your money till it goes down in price.
Fight Night has always had an innovative gameplay but I believe that that stopped after the 2nd Fight Night. Point being there just isn't enough new and fresh features to capture and keep the attention of fans for longer than a few hours. When you first pick it up and play, it seems new and great but you find you easily get bored with it in the first couple hours. It seems too much like an inferiour version of Fight Night 2 just with better graphics. So point is, Gameplay is greatly short coming.
Graphics are crisp, clean, pure and reactive in this worthy of a collection title. Graphics separate it from its predecessors but just don't speak loud enough to make it a great game.
Sound quality is heard with every devastating punch and reminds you that this is the world of boxing but...the previous Fight Night titles already accomplished that. FNR3 can be quite exaggerative with sound effects but nonetheless entertaining. When it comes to the spectatorship its good only because its practically the same as wut was found in FNR2. So nothing to celebrate over.
Point is, FNR3 is a good collectors item but isn't worth the 50 dollar price tag, wait till it goes down in price to at least 30 bucks then pick it up. Nothing is missed from not playing it.