Would be flawless without the glitches
User Rating: 9.1 | Fight Night Round 3 X360
I was hoping, after looking at the pix from the first glimpses of development a looong while back that the game would look as good as it did when completed...it looked amazing back then, and to my surprise, the completed product was jaw-dropping. A perfect example would be the knockout replays, i swear, i'd spend about a couple minutes actually fighting and knocking fools out, and about 10 minutes watching the slomo replays, over and over and over. The controls are tight and responsive, actually easier to use with the control sticks than the face buttons, and the challenges can be decent (but i'm such an unbeatable pro i might as well be playing with my eyes closed). anyway, career mode is great, tons of unlockables, however, one huge bug that absolutely pisses me off is the speed training. you can have a (created) boxer extremely ripped with bulging muscles UNTIL you do the speed training, then, BYEBYE definition, hello flab...i don't understand that at all, but oh well, no game is perfect, if you think otherwise prove me wrong...great game nonetheless.